12-411 Project Management for Engineering and Construction
Location: Pittsburgh
Units: 9
Semester Offered: Fall
Location: Pittsburgh
Units: 9
Semester Offered: Fall
Through planning and management, and optimization and allocation of materials and labor under time and financial constraints, project managers lead teams to achieve project goals. This course is an introduction to project management of engineering, construction, and operations of building facilities and civil infrastructure. This course emphasizes design, construction, and operation as an integrated process and examines various topics related to four core aspects of project management - time, cost, quality, and safety. Engineering and management cases from civil, construction, and infrastructure engineering domains will be examined. Topics covered include contracting issues, legal structures, project planning and scheduling, cash flows, cost estimation and financing of constructed facilities, labor productivity, material management, equipment utilization, cost control, monitoring, and accounting for construction.
The course will introduce various software tools useful for implementation of these topics, including project scheduling and management tools, software for optimization and economic analysis, field operation analysis tools, and digital design and modeling tools.
Prerequisite(s): 12-301
Textbook information can be found at the CMU Bookstore