Karimi awarded Dowd Fellowship

Staff Writer

Oct 5, 2021

Image of Mina Karimi

Ph.D. student Mina Karimi was selected as a Dowd Fellow by the College of Engineering. She earned her undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering and her master’s in Computational Mechanics at the University of Tehran, Iran.

Karimi, co-advised by professors Matteo Pozzi and Kaushik Dayal, is focusing on integrating physics-based models with statistical learning to target event-level forecasts of earthquakes induced by fluid injection related to wastewater injection and CO2 sequestration.

“I am honored to receive the Dowd Graduate Fellowship to support my research on induced seismicity,” says Karimi. “Also, I’d like to thank the Dowd Fellowship committee for providing this invaluable opportunity to me.”

The Philip and Marsha Dowd Engineering Seed Fund was established in 2001 through a generous gift to the College of Engineering from Philip and Marsha Dowd. The fund is intended to provide support for graduate students proposing work on cutting edge research projects. The objective of the fund is to help enable future external research funding and possible future entrepreneurial activity by generating initial research results through the seed project.